2013 Revision of the Fair for Life Social & Fair Trade Programme

In the last complete standard revision in 2010, various parts of the Fair for Life (FFL) Programme had been modified and strengthened considerably, and several new major compliance requirements (e.g. proof of decent working conditions along the entire chain of custody) had been pioneered with Fair for Life being the first fair trade standard worldwide to set such high expectations along the supply chain.

Practical implementation of the programme by more than 180 operations worldwide as well as substantial changes in fair trade schemes that Fair for Life accepts as equivalent resulted in a need for a technical minor revision of some parts of the programme for effective and efficient implementation.

For the minor revision in 2013 only Modules 1 and 4 were revised and the Fair for Life Programme updated accordingly.

We kindly thank all who sent their comments.

Final versions December 2013

As from May 2014 the following versions of Module 1 Labelling and Control and Module 4 Handling Operations will be applicable for operations wishing certification. The Fair for Life Programme has also been adapted according to new principles.

Click on the name of the Module have a look at the the new versions. The documents are available in English and Spanish.

Fair for Life Programme version December 2013
Fair for Life Module 1 Labelling and Control version December 2013
Fair for Life Module 4 Handling Operations version December 2013

Fair for Life Programa versión Diciembre 2013
Fair for Life Módulo 1 Etiquetado y Control versión Diciembre 2013
Fair for Life Módulo 4 Operadores de comercialización versión Diciembre 2013

Click below for a detailed summary of the changes made.
Summary of Changes Revision 2013
Detalle Cambios Revision 2013

Click below for an overview of changes.
Overview Changes Revision 2013
Resumen General Cambios Revision 2013

Fair for Life Programme Revision 2013: Timeline and procedures

There were be two public consulation periods.
For more details on the revision steps and the timeline please click here.
All stakeholders and interested parties were invited to join the public consulation and sent their comments.
For details regarding the submitting of comments please read the Standard Setting Procedures.

1st Consultation Round April 2013

Below are the draft versions April 2013. Changes made to the Version 2011 are marked in red.
Fair for Life Module 1 Labelling and Control draft 04-2013
Fair for Life Module 4 Handling Operations draft 04-2013
Fair for Life Complaint Procedures draft 04-2013

Fair for Life Modulo 1 Etiquetado y Control Borrador 04-2013
Fair for Life Procedimiento Reclamos Borrador 04-2013
You can find a summary of the changes made below.
Summary of Changes Revision Draft April 2013
Resumen de cambios Borradir de Revision Abril 2013

2nd Consultation Round July 2013

Below are the draft versions of July 2013. All changes to the 2011 Version are indicated in red font (April 2013) and blue font (July 2013 changes).

Fair for Life Module 1 Labelling and Control draft 07-2013

Fair for Life Module 4 Handling Operations draft 07-2013

Fair for Life Modulo 1 Etiquetado y Control borrador 07-2013

Fair for Life Modulo 4 Operadores de Comercialización y manejo borrador 07-2013

You can find a summary of the changes made and how comments of the consultation draft April 2013 were addressed below.

Summary of Changes Revision Draft July 2013

How comments to draft April 2013 were addressed
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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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