Social & Fair Trade third party certification conveys trust and credibility. Distinguish yourself on the market as socially responsible operation.
Demonstrate to your clients that...
your producer members are reliable partners for offering fair trade products
your workers enjoy excellent working conditions
your smallholder group is an accountable partner for both farmers and them as your trade partner
your company and its fair trade contribution can effectively improve the livelihood of many smallholder farmers and/or workers. Consumers can buy your products in confidence with the assurance that the products are produced in a truly sustainable and accountable way.
Convince consumers and make your corporate social responsibility public.
To find out how you can get Fair for Life certified click
Social responsibilityFairtradeCertificationStandardThird party inspectionCSRSmallholder groupsFair trade premiumDomestic tradeEnvironmentWorking conditionsSocial companyFair productLiving wageEthical productionFair for LifeFor Life
We seek out suppliers who can sustainably collect or cultivate herbs that meet the quality standards we need. This can often take years of development. By fostering long-term relationships and…