
Fair Trade Fortnight: During 15 days, from 8 until 23 May, you will be able to discover the testimonies of our members all over the world! Brazil, Nicaragua, Chile, Germany, Thailand, France, Madagascar...

The Fair For Life team has prepared a virtual world tour of our community of labelled members who work within Fair For Life chains to make the world a fairer place!

Meet producers and their partners, all of whom are engaged in implementing projects with a strong social, environmental and economic impact under the Fair For Life label, through their own testimonies.
You will discover 34 organisations and companies across 17 countries, who embody Fair For Life values.
Enjoy your journey!

We cordially invite you to join the Facebook #Live Event on the Ecocert Group account!

Date: 18.05.2021

Time: 4:00 PM


You are welcome to discover, share and like the Fair For Life Fortnight at 

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Insight into impacts

KB Specialies LLC is a trading company recently created to market in the US products from Kingberry S.A. Argentina, a FFL operation. As a related company, we share the same…
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