Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)BSYD Corp.5 stars

Place, CountryTeaneck, United States


Certified Productssugar canefair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values44
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy85
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions177132
4Respect of the Environment5734
5Local Development and Community Relations64
6Trading and Supply chain relations7055
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer3229
9Managing Certification and Performance1716
Total Score Performance Rating281
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsWe have a long and steady relationship of over fifteen years with our producers, Jalles Machado in Goianesia, Brazil, and the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, from whom we source our sugars. We are committed to a long term relationship with our suppliers based on transparency, accountability and trust. BSYD works in tandem with our producers to make sure Fair Trade criteria are continually met within the standards of government laws, certifying agencies and business best practices.

BSYD maintains open communication with our suppliers in support of environmental, business and eco-social practices. Together, we work to improve the lives of their workers through social and educational programming that includes schools, adult education, social activities and healthcare. This model guarantees social and economic benefits for all workers and their families. The FFL development fund goes toward bettering the lives of our producers' employees. We invest in childrens' programming, as well as adult education. These include, professional education, cultural events, soccer school for children and environmental education. Social projects for employees include medical, dental and social care, health and life insurance, continuing education and a sports association. We coordinate on sustainability and environmental projects as well that include water resource managemant, a natural reserve, reforestatiom programs, energy cogeneration and waste managemant, among others.

BSYD has established a fair system of purchasing that takes into account the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of its producers' workers.

BSYD continually educates our employees and customers in Fair Trade practices. We inform customers of our commitment to Fair Trade and sustainable practices and encourage them to do the same.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage81 %

Date of Certification
Last Update22.08.2023

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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

EN/FR PlantMad has taken over the production activities of the Jardins du Monde association. PlantMad is working with four village associations in Madirobe (FIVEMIA), Marovato (MAMAFY SOA), Joffreville (FIVOHIFA) and Betahitra…
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