| Impact, special achievements & commitments |  |  | The firm is divided into 3 productive units, located in the town of Mainque, Río Negro. Two of them are located on the national road N ° 22, the remaining on a gravel road in the direction of the barda norte, separated by approximately 2 km and more or less equidistant from the urban concentration of the town. It has a total area of 72 gross hectares and a little more than 60 net hectares implanted in production and/or in the process of growth and stabilization. All of them are certified: organic, good agricultural practices and corporate social responsibility. The cultural tasks are carried out by permanent and seasonal personnel, fundamentally in times of pruning and harvesting. At present the production reaches more than one million six hundred thousand kilos of pears (87 %) and apples (17 %). There is a clear commitment regarding the context in which the company is inserted. The basic criteria are defined in their internal policies of social responsibility and fair trade, which promote ethical commitment, respect for human rights, the environment, the equitable development of mutual benefits, parameters of justice on quality issues, prices and services, as well as continuous improvement. The vertical and horizontal segregation of the values is sought throughout the productive chain and the general business context, favoring the basic satisfaction of all the parties involved, with emphasis on the most vulnerable actors. Compliance with current regulations on labor, environment, and safety and hygiene allows all links to be directly or indirectly benefited, generating a positive feedback that not only links the establishment with employees and their families, but also with the state and the community in general. |